R.1, R.2, W.2, W.4, W.7

Welcome to the Royal Wedding

This month, a British prince will marry an American actress—and the whole world will be watching.

Boris Roessler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images (Newspaper); DOMINIC LIPINSKI/AFP/Getty Images (Castle); Ray Tang/REX/Shutterstock (Mugs); Samir Hussein/WireImage (Portrait); Chris Jackson/Getty Images (Newspaper Inset)

A Global Event
The royal wedding is front-page news in England—and all around the world.

    For months, the town of Windsor, England, has been getting ready for thousands of visitors. Restaurants are hiring extra staff. Store owners have filled their shelves with souvenirs. Hotels are completely sold out of rooms.  

    What’s the special occasion? 

    No, One Direction isn’t getting back together. There’s no championship soccer match happening either.

    These fans are traveling to Windsor to cheer outside the most magnificent of British events: a royal wedding.

    For months, the town of Windsor, England, has been getting ready for thousands of visitors. Restaurants are hiring extra staff. Store owners have filled their shelves with souvenirs. Hotels are sold out of rooms.   

    What’s going on?

    No, One Direction isn’t getting back together. And there’s no big soccer match.

    These fans are heading to Windsor to cheer outside the grandest of British events: a royal wedding.

    For months, the town of Windsor, England, has been preparing to host thousands of visitors. Restaurants are hiring extra staff, store owners have stocked their shelves with souvenirs, and hotels are completely sold out of rooms.   

    What’s the special occasion?

    No, One Direction isn’t planning a reunion tour—and there’s no championship soccer match happening either.

    These fans are traveling to Windsor to cheer outside the most magnificent of British events: a royal wedding.

A Royal History

    On May 19, Prince Harry is getting married. He is the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of England. England has had a royal family in place for about 1,200 years.  

    A country that has a king or queen is called a monarchy. A monarchy’s leaders aren’t chosen by the people. They gain these roles simply because they were born into the royal family.

    Today, the British royal family has almost no power. It can’t make laws and doesn’t choose government officials. England’s true leaders are elected by the people.

    On May 19, Prince Harry is getting married. He is the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of England. England has had a royal family in place for about 1,200 years.  

    A country that has a king or queen is called a monarchy. A monarchy’s leaders are not chosen by the people. They are simply born into the royal family.

    Today, the British royal family has almost no power. It can’t make laws. It doesn’t choose government leaders. England’s true leaders are elected by the people.

    On May 19, Prince Harry is getting married. He’s the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of England. That country has had a royal family in place for about 1,200 years.  

     A country that has a king or queen is called a monarchy. A monarchy’s leaders aren’t elected by the people—they gain their positions simply because they were born into the royal family.

    Today, the British royal family has practically no power. It can’t make laws and doesn’t appoint government officials. England’s true leaders are elected by the people.

Another Era


Prince Harry will be married in St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. Windsor Castle is located about an hour’s drive from London, in England.

    Still, the royal family is extremely popular. And the world will be watching Harry’s wedding. It will take place at Windsor Castle—the queen’s weekend “house.”

    Windsor Castle sits on 13 acres and has about 1,000 rooms. One dining room is bigger than most homes.

    Thousands of people will line up outside the castle’s stone walls. Millions more will watch the event on TV. 

    Why is the world so obsessed with Harry and his family? After all, most princes and their giant castles seem to belong to another era.

    But maybe that’s exactly why so many people find the royals comforting. In a world that is changing fast, the British have had a royal family for centuries. 

    Still, the royals have fans. And they will be watching Harry’s wedding. It will take place at Windsor Castle, the queen’s weekend “house.”

    Windsor Castle sits on 13 acres. It has about 1,000 rooms. One dining room is bigger than most homes.

    Thousands of fans will line up outside the castle. Millions more will watch the wedding on TV.

    Why do people love the royal family? Don’t most princes and castles seem to belong to another time?

    Well, maybe that’s why. Some may find the royals comforting. Our world is changing fast. But the British have had a royal family for a long time. 

    Still, the royal family is extremely popular, and many people are eagerly anticipating Harry’s wedding. It will take place at Windsor Castle, the queen’s weekend “house.”

    Windsor Castle sits on 13 acres and has about 1,000 rooms. One dining room is larger than most homes.

    Thousands of people will congregate outside the castle’s stone walls, and millions more will watch the event on television.

    Why is the world so fascinated with Harry and his family? After all, most princes and their enormous castles seem to belong to another era.

    But maybe that’s exactly why so many people find the royals comforting: In a rapidly changing world, the British have had a royal family for centuries. 

Changing Traditions

    There’s another reason people are excited about Harry’s wedding. They think it’s a sign that the royal family is changing with the times. 

    Prince Harry is marrying an actress named Meghan Markle—and Markle is unusual for a royal bride. She is biracial. She is divorced. And she is American. 

    The royal family seems proud of Harry and Meghan. A new generation is continuing an old tradition—and the crowds in Windsor will be there to cheer them on.

    There’s another reason people care about Harry’s wedding. They think it shows that the royal family is changing with the times.

    The bride is an actress named Meghan Markle. She’s unusual for a royal bride. She’s biracial. She’s divorced. She’s American.

    Harry’s family seems proud of Harry and Meghan. This new couple is keeping up an old tradition. And their fans will be there to cheer them on.

    There’s another reason people are so enthusiastic about Harry’s wedding: They see it as evidence that the royal family is changing with the times.

    Prince Harry is marrying an actress named Meghan Markle—and Markle is unusual for a royal bride. She’s biracial. She’s divorced. And she’s American.

    The royal family seems proud of Harry and Meghan. A new generation is continuing an age-old tradition—and the crowds in Windsor will be there to cheer them on.

Jim McMahon/Mapman ®


Why is the royal wedding
a big deal?

Write a paragraph to answer this question. Get started by using facts from the article to finish the sentences below. 

Write a paragraph to answer this question. Get started by using facts from the article to finish the sentences below. 

Write a paragraph to answer this question. Get started by using facts from the article to finish the sentences below. 

Topic Sentence: On May 19, millions of TV viewers will watch as  ___                           

The main idea of your paragraph: What big event is happening on May 19?

Topic Sentence: On May 19, millions of TV viewers will watch as  ___                           

The main idea of your paragraph: What big event is happening on May 19?

Topic Sentence: On May 19, millions of TV viewers will watch as  ___                           

The main idea of your paragraph: What big event is happening on May 19?

Detail 1: Prince Harry is a member of the British monarchy, which ___

How long has the British monarchy been in place? 

Detail 1: Prince Harry is a member of the British monarchy, which ___

How long has the British monarchy been in place? 

Detail 1: Prince Harry is a member of the British monarchy, which ___

How long has the British monarchy been in place? 

Detail 2: One reason the wedding will have so many fans is ___

How do people feel about the royal family?

Detail 2One reason the wedding will have so many fans is ___

How do people feel about the royal family?

Detail 2One reason the wedding will have so many fans is ___

How do people feel about the royal family?

Detail 3: Plus the bride is not your typical bride: She’s ___

In what ways is Markle unusual for a royal bride? 

Detail 3Plus the bride is not your typical bride: She’s ___

In what ways is Markle unusual for a royal bride? 

Detail 3Plus the bride is not your typical bride: She’s ___

In what ways is Markle unusual for a royal bride? 

Conclusion: With so much to see, both old and new, it’s no wonder that ___

How many people are expected to visit Windsor, England, for the wedding?

Conclusion: With so much to see, both old and new, it’s no wonder that ___

How many people are expected to visit Windsor, England, for the wedding?

Conclusion: With so much to see, both old and new, it’s no wonder that ___

How many people are expected to visit Windsor, England, for the wedding?

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