Extreme Control
The people of North Korea are required to worship their ruler, Kim Jong Un (center). He also leads the country’s military. Every North Korean person must serve in the army, making it the fourth largest army in the world.



R.1, R.3, R.4, R.7, W.2, SL.1, L.6  

Why Is the World Worried About North Korea?

What you need to know about this secretive nation—and its very dangerous leader 

    Imagine that you have moved to a new country. This country’s leaders are treated like gods. Their photographs hang in every home. It is considered a crime to destroy their pictures.

    In your new country, there are only four TV stations. All four are run by the government. And you can forget about watching X-Men on DVD. If you’re caught watching a movie from another country, you could be sent to jail.

    Not sure you like the restrictions? Sorry, but moving is not an option. It’s illegal to leave the country without permission. 

    This may seem like a scary movie—but it’s not. Welcome to the Asian nation of North Korea.

    Imagine that you have moved to a new country. The leaders are treated like gods. Their pictures hang in every home. It is a crime to ruin the pictures.

    In your new country, there are only four TV stations. All four are run by the government. And don’t try to watch X-Men. You could go to jail if you watch a movie from another country.

    You don’t like the restrictions? Sorry, but you can’t move. It’s illegal to leave the country without permission.

    This may seem like a scary movie—but it’s not. Welcome to North Korea. 

    Imagine that you have moved to a new country where the leaders are treated like gods. Their portraits hang in every home, and it’s considered a crime to destroy their images.

    In your new country, there are only four TV stations, and all four are run by the government. And you can forget about watching X-Men on DVD. If you’re caught watching a movie from another country, you could be sent to jail.

    Not sure you like the restrictions? Sorry, but moving is not an option: It’s illegal to leave the country without permission.

    This may seem like a scary movie—but it’s not. Welcome to the Asian nation of North Korea.

A Bloody Past

    North Korea is small—about the size of Pennsylvania. It’s located on the north end of a peninsula between China and Japan. The Korean peninsula has hundreds of miles of rough and rocky coastline. Snow-covered mountains rise 9,000 feet in the air. 

    North Korea is a beautiful country. But its people have had a violent and painful history.

    In 1945, Korea was split into two countries: North Korea and South Korea. Five years later, North Korea invaded South Korea. American soldiers joined South Korea in the fight against North Korea. During three years of bloody battle, 4 million people died. 

    At the end of the war, North Korea and South Korea remained divided. North Koreans grew to hate the U.S. because American troops helped their enemy.

    North Korea is small. It’s about the size of Pennsylvania. It’s on the north end of a peninsula between China and Japan. The peninsula has miles of rocky coasts. Its mountains are 9,000 feet tall.

    North Korea is beautiful. But its history has been bloody and painful.

    In 1945, Korea split into two countries: North Korea and South Korea. Five years later, North Korea invaded South Korea. U.S soldiers joined South Korea in the fight against North Korea. The war lasted three years. Four million people died.

    At the end of the war, North Korea and South Korea stayed divided. North Koreans hated the U.S. for helping their enemy.


    North Korea is small—about the size of Pennsylvania—and located on the north end of a peninsula between China and Japan. The Korean peninsula features hundreds of miles of rough and rocky coastline. Snow-covered mountains rise 9,000 feet into the air.

    North Korea is a beautiful country, but its people have had a violent and painful history.

    In 1945, Korea was split into two countries: North Korea and South Korea. Five years later, North Korea invaded South Korea. American soldiers joined South Korea in the fight against North Korea. During three years of bloody battle, 4 million people died.

    At the end of the war, North Korea and South Korea remained divided. North Koreans grew to hate the U.S. because American troops had helped their enemy.

Different Paths

Jim McMahon/Mapman ®

Where Is North Korea?  
North Korea is located on a peninsula between China and Japan. A peninsula is a piece of land that is surrounded on three sides by water.

    After the war, North Korea and South Korea became two very different countries. South Korea developed a booming economy. Today, its factories produce Kia cars and Samsung phones. 

    North Korea became very poor. In the 1990s, a famine left millions of people hungry. More than 2 million North Koreans died.

    Even today, life in North Korea is hard. Power plants can’t produce enough electricity for the country. Many homes lose power at night. Teenagers sometimes go outside to do their homework under street lamps.

    After the war, North Korea and South Korea became very different. South Korea’s economy boomed. Today, its factories make Kia cars and Samsung phones.

    North Korea became very poor. In the 1990s, a famine left millions hungry. More than 2 million people died.

    Even today, life in North Korea is hard. Power plants can’t make enough electricity. Many homes lose power at night. Teens go outside to do homework under street lamps.

    After the war, North Korea and South Korea became two very different countries. South Korea developed a booming economy. Today, its factories produce Kia cars and Samsung phones.

    North Korea became very poor. In the 1990s, a famine left millions of people hungry. More than 2 million North Koreans died.

    Even today, life in North Korea is difficult. Because power plants can’t produce enough electricity for the country, many homes lose power at night. Teenagers sometimes go outside to do their homework under street lamps.

A Giant Prison Camp

    North Korea is not only poor. It’s also one of the most restrictive countries in the world. It has been ruled by the same family for more than 70 years. North Koreans are taught to worship their leaders. People wear pins with the image of the country’s first ruler, Kim Il Sung. 

    Today, Kim’s grandson, Kim Jong Un, rules the country. His speeches play on video screens in public places, like ice skating rinks and train stations. Schoolchildren spend three years learning the events of his childhood.

    The Kims have turned North Korea into one of the most isolated countries on Earth. Most North Koreans have no access to the internet. They need permission from the government to marry a foreigner. And few people are allowed to travel out of the country.

    North Korea isn’t just poor. It’s also very restrictive. It has been ruled by the same family for more than 70 years. The people are taught to worship their leaders. They wear pins with a picture of the country’s first ruler, Kim Il Sung.

    Kim’s grandson, Kim Jong Un, now rules the country. His speeches play on video screens in public places. Kids spend three years learning about his childhood.

    The Kims have turned North Korea into a very isolated country. Few people have internet access. You need permission to marry a foreigner. It’s hard to leave the country.

    North Korea is not only poor, it’s also one of the most restrictive countries in the world. It has been ruled by the same family for more than 70 years, and North Koreans are taught to worship their leaders. People wear pins with the image of the country’s first ruler, Kim Il Sung.

    Today, Kim’s grandson, Kim Jong Un, rules the country. His speeches play on video screens in public places, like ice skating rinks and train stations. Schoolchildren spend three years learning the events of his childhood.

    The Kims have turned North Korea into one of the most isolated countries on Earth. Most North Koreans have no access to the internet, and they need permission from the government to marry a foreigner. Few North Koreans are permitted to travel out of the country.

Nuclear Threat

    North Korean people may not know much about the rest of the world. But the rest of the world is extremely worried about North Korea.

    North Korea has a population of only 25 million. That’s about the same number of people who live in Texas. But the North Korean army is the fourth largest in the world. Every North Korean person must serve in the military. 

    More important, North Korea has nuclear weapons. And Kim Jong Un has threatened to use them. North Korea keeps weapons aimed at South Korea. If another war broke out, would North Korea drop a nuclear bomb?

    North Koreans may not know much about the rest of the world. But the rest of the world is worried about North Korea. The country has only 25 million people. That’s about the same as Texas has. But North Korea’s army is the fourth largest in the world. All the people must serve.

    More important, North Korea has nuclear weapons. And Kim Jong Un has threatened to use them. North Korea keeps weapons aimed at South Korea. If another war broke out, would North Korea drop a nuclear bomb?

    North Korean people may not know much about the rest of the world, but the rest of the world is extremely worried about North Korea. North Korea has a population of only 25 million, which is about the same number of people who live in Texas. But the North Korean army is the fourth largest in the world. Every North Korean person must serve in the military.

    More important, North Korea has nuclear weapons. Kim Jong Un has threatened to use them, and North Korea keeps weapons aimed at South Korea. If another war broke out, would North Korea drop a nuclear bomb?

Keeping the Peace

    Many people are looking for ways to keep the peace with North Korea. In February, the Winter Olympics gave the world hope. 

    The Games were held in South Korea. North Korea sent 22 athletes. At the opening ceremonies, they marched with South Korean athletes under one flag. 

    Will sports bring South and North Korea back together? Probably not. But officials from the two countries met at the Games. And most experts agree it’s a step in the right direction.

    People are looking for ways to keep the peace with North Korea. In February, the Winter Olympics gave the world hope.

    The Games were held in South Korea. North Korea sent 22 athletes. At the opening ceremonies, they marched with South Korean athletes under one flag.

    Will sports bring South and North Korea back together? Probably not. But officials from the two countries met at the Games. And most experts say it’s a step in the right direction.

    Many people are looking for ways to keep the peace with North Korea. In February, the Winter Olympics gave the world hope.

    The Games were held in South Korea, and North Korea sent 22 athletes. At the opening ceremonies, they marched with South Korean athletes under one flag.

    Will sports bring South and North Korea back together? Probably not. But officials from the two countries met at the Games, and most experts agree it’s a step in the right direction.

ED JONES/AFP/Getty Images (Kim Jong Un Speech); Erick W. Rasco /Sports Illustrated/Getty Images (Olympics)

Reaching the People    
North Koreans stop to listen to their ruler, Kim Jong Un. His speeches play on video screens throughout the country. (left)


A Sign of Hope?   
At February’s Winter Olympics, athletes from North Korea and South Korea marched together under one flag. (right)


5 Questions About
North Korea

What to do: Answer the questions below. Use full sentences.

What to do: Answer the questions below. Use full sentences.

What to do: Answer the questions below. Use full sentences.

Where is North Korea located? 

Where is North Korea located? 

Where is North Korea located? 

When did North Korea experience a famine? 

When did North Korea experience a famine? 

When did North Korea experience a famine? 

How must North Koreans treat their leaders? 

How must North Koreans treat their leaders? 

How must North Koreans treat their leaders? 

Who has turned North Korea into an isolated nation? 

Who has turned North Korea into an isolated nation? 

Who has turned North Korea into an isolated nation? 

What has Kim Jong Un threatened to use on South Korea? 

What has Kim Jong Un threatened to use on South Korea? 

What has Kim Jong Un threatened to use on South Korea? 

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