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Want to live to be 100?

Try moving to Ikaria, a beautiful island that is part of Greece. It may improve your chances!  

Gianluca Colla/National Geographic/Getty Images

An old man digs in his yard on the island of Ikaria. Staying active may help Ikarians live long lives.

    People on the Greek island of Ikaria [ee-kah-REE-ah] don’t wear watches. In the morning, they sleep late. During the day, they enjoy naps. 

    At meals, they eat  vegetables—from their own gardens. When the sun is up, they work hard in the fields. Afterward, they hang out with beloved family and friends. 

    Ikarians, or people from Ikaria, have lived this way for centuries. And scientists say they must be doing something right. Ikarians live longer than almost any other people on Earth.

    Ikaria [ee-kah-REE-ah] is a Greek island. People there don’t wear watches. In the morning, they sleep late. At midday, they take naps.  

    At meals, they eat vegetables from their gardens. When the sun is up, they work in the fields. Later, they spend time with loved ones. 

    People from Ikaria are called Ikarians. They have lived this way for a long time. And experts say they must be doing something right. They live longer than almost any other people on Earth.

    People on the Greek island of Ikaria [ee-kah-REE-ah] don’t wear watches. They sleep late in the morning and take refreshing naps during the day.  

    At mealtimes, they eat vegetables—picked from their own gardens. When the sun is up, they labor in the fields. Afterward, they socialize with beloved family and friends. 

    Ikarians, or people from Ikaria, have lived in this manner for centuries—and scientists say they must be doing something right, because Ikarians live longer than almost any other people on Earth.

Around the Globe 

    You might think all humans live to be about the same age. But our life span, or how long we live, can depend a lot on where we live. 

    In Africa, the average life span is about 60. In the United States, people can expect to live to 79. But many Ikarians live to be almost 90.

    Experts say there are reasons for those differences. In poorer countries, many people don’t have enough food or clean drinking water. Both poor nutrition and polluted drinking water can cause dangerous diseases. 

    And when people in those countries get sick, good medical care can be hard to find. 

    You might think all humans live to be about the same age. But that’s not true. Our life span, or how long we live, can depend a lot on where we live. In Africa, the average life span is about 60. In the United States, people can expect to live to 79. But many Ikarians live to be almost 90.

    There are reasons for those differences. In poorer countries, many people don’t have enough food. Some don’t have clean drinking water. A lack of food can cause diseases. Dirty drinking water can too.

    And when people in those countries get sick, good doctors can be hard to find.  

    You might think all humans live to be approximately the same age—but our life span, or how long we live, can depend heavily on where we live. 

    In Africa, the average life span is about 60. In the United States, people can expect to live to 79. But many Ikarians live to be almost 90.

    Experts say there are reasons for those differences. In poorer countries, many people don’t have sufficient food or clean drinking water. Poor nutrition and polluted water can cause dangerous diseases. 

    And when people in those countries experience medical problems, high-quality care isn’t always available.  


Living Right

    So what is the Ikarians’  secret to a long life? Ikaria isn’t a wealthy place, and there’s nothing magical in the air. Scientists say Ikarians simply have a healthy lifestyle, or way of living.

    Most Ikarians eat fresh vegetables every day, and soda and junk food are hard to find on the island. Ikarians eat one-fourth as much sugar as Americans.

    Ikarians also stay active. Many older people still work hard in their gardens and walk everywhere they go. 

    Often, they walk to visit friends and family. Very few Ikarians grow old alone—and doctors say friendship helps keep aging people healthy.

    So why do Ikarians live so long? The island is not a wealthy place. There’s no magic in the air either. Experts say Ikarians just live healthy lives.

    Most of them eat fresh vegetables every day. Soda is rare. Junk food is too. Ikarians eat one-fourth as much sugar as Americans.

    They stay active too. Many older people still work in their gardens. Many walk wherever they go. 

    Often, they walk to visit loved ones. Very few Ikarians grow old alone. Doctors say friendship helps keep aging people healthy.

    So what is the Ikarians’ secret to a long life? Ikaria isn’t a wealthy place, and there’s nothing magical in the air. According to scientists, Ikarians simply have a healthy lifestyle.

    Most Ikarians eat fresh vegetables daily, and soda and junk food are practically nonexistent on the island. Ikarians consume 75 percent less sugar than Americans.

    Ikarians also stay active, even as they grow older. Many elderly island residents still spend considerable time gardening, and they walk everywhere they go. 

    Frequently, Ikarians walk to visit loved ones. It’s unusual for Ikarians to grow old alone—and doctors say friendship helps keep aging people healthy.

Slowing Down

    It may sound like Ikarians are always busy. But in the middle of the day, businesses close and people come in from the fields. Most Ikarians lean back and take a nap.

    Scientists say that nap may help. Getting enough sleep can keep your heart healthy.

    Good food, good friends, and a daily nap. It may be time to visit Ikaria. Who knows? You might just decide to stay for 90 years or so.

    It may sound like Ikarians are always busy. But in the middle of the day, businesses close. People come in from the fields. Many take naps.

    Experts say the naps may help. Getting enough sleep is good for your heart.

    Good food, good friends, and a daily nap. It may be time to visit Ikaria. Who knows? You might just stay for 90 years or so. 

    It might sound like Ikarians are constantly busy—but in the middle of the day, businesses close and people come in from the fields. Most people take naps.

    Scientists believe those naps may be significant, because getting enough sleep can keep your heart healthy.

    Fresh food, fulfilling friendships, and a daily nap. It may be time to visit Ikaria. Who knows? You might decide to stay for 90 years or so.

Carlo Morucchio/Robert Harding/Newscom (Aegean Sea); Jim McMahon/Mapman ® (Globe)

Ikaria is an island near Greece. It is surrounded by the bright blue water of the Aegean Sea.


Why do people in Ikaria live a long life?

Write a paragraph to answer this question. Get started by using facts from the article to finish the sentences below. 

Write a paragraph to answer this question. Get started by using facts from the article to finish the sentences below. 

Write a paragraph to answer this question. Get started by using facts from the article to finish the sentences below. 

Topic Sentence: On the Greek island of Ikaria, many people live to be  ___                           

The main idea of your paragraph: How long do many people in Ikaria live?

Topic Sentence: On the Greek island of Ikaria, many people live to be  ___                           

The main idea of your paragraph: How long do many people in Ikaria live?

Topic Sentence: On the Greek island of Ikaria, many people live to be  ___                           

The main idea of your paragraph: How long do many people in Ikaria live?

Detail 1: One reason the Ikarians live so long is ___

What do people in Ikaria eat?

Detail 1: One reason the Ikarians live so long is ___

What do people in Ikaria eat?

Detail 1: One reason the Ikarians live so long is ___

What do people in Ikaria eat?

Detail 2: Another reason is that they get enough sleep, which ___

Based on the article, what does sleep do to keep them healthy?

Detail 2Another reason is that they get enough sleep, which ___

Based on the article, what does sleep do to keep them healthy?

Detail 2Another reason is that they get enough sleep, which ___

Based on the article, what does sleep do to keep them healthy?

Detail 3: People in Ikaria also stay active by ___

How do people in Ikaria stay active?

Detail 3People in Ikaria also stay active by ___

How do people in Ikaria stay active?

Detail 3People in Ikaria also stay active by ___

How do people in Ikaria stay active?

Conclusion: If you follow the Ikarians’ lifestyle, you ___

How might living as Ikarians do be good for you?

ConclusionIf you follow the Ikarians’ lifestyle, you ___

How might living as Ikarians do be good for you?

ConclusionIf you follow the Ikarians’ lifestyle, you ___

How might living as Ikarians do be good for you?

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